Why Finland?
Finland is the coldest country in the European Union located between the 60th and 70th latitude.
Therefore, the heating has to be reliable and adequate at all times.
Moreover, in absence of domestic fossil fuels, the Finnish heating systems have been developed to be economic to minimize the fuel imports.
The Coldest Country in Europe
The Best Country of District Heating
- About half of the population countrywide and some 90% in cities are served by district heating (DH). T
- he heated area connected to DH in Finland amounts to 300 million m2 (equal to 1 billion m3) in total.
- Sold heat energy: 33,2 TWh ( = 120 PJ) in 2017 Average price of DH (incl. taxes)1: CNY 5,4 /m2 (12 months, including both domestic hot water and space heating) in 2017
- Some 200 companies provide DH services in the country at low tariffs, but despite that, being highly profitable without any operational subsidies.
- Low tariffs and high profitability on an open district heating and cooling (DHC) market may seem contradictory, but the Finnish DHC companies have made it happen.
The 4 key corner stones of Finnish DHC, namely:
- Efficient production,
- Efficient network,
- Environmental sustainability,
- and Financial sustainability,
… which together have led to great success!